PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home PATH Parents' Association for Teaching at Home

Request Membership

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.


PATH requires that you answer all questions on the membership form AND pay the annual family dues using PAYPAL prior to being approved for membership.

  • $65 per family is the EARLY BIRD membership price from May 2024 through April 2025, for the 2024/2025 school year, equal to one full "school year." Renewals will begin in late spring of each year for all members.
  • On June 1st, 2024, membership will be $65 per family for May 2024 through April 2025, for the 2024/2025 school year. 
  • PAYPAL is our only payment option. Please make the payment using the Paypal button before exiting.
  • Please review the PATH group description on the website home page before requesting membership. 


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Additional Questions

NOTE : A "YES" or "I Agree" answer to the following statements, serve as your legal signature indicating your acceptance to the terms.

Terms of Agreement

Membership in the group is not an endorsement as to any member's character or credibility. Each member shall assume personal responsibility for any association or involvement with other members or families of members in this group.

Hold Harmless Clause  Participant(s), including participant's spouse, children and family members, does hereby hold harmless, remise, release, and forever discharge, and by these presents does, for itself, it's children, ward(s), family members and or it's successors and assigns, remise, release, acquit, satisfy and forever hold harmless said P.A.T.H. INC., hereinafter referred to as PATH, it's successors and assigns, of and from all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, executions, claims and demands whatsoever, in law, or in equity, with reference to any and all claims or causes of action whatsoever arising out of participant(s) participating in any PATH activity, event or situation, whether said activity, event or situation is or is not sponsored by PATH or otherwise advertised or not advertised by PATH for the benefit of PATH members.
Photograph/Video Release 

As a participant in group events and activities, the members of your family, including minor children, may be photographed or audo/video recorded. By clicking YES below, you authorize PATH permission to use these captured images for promotional purposes including on the PATH website, PATH related social media, and PATH yearbook without further signature, release and authorization, and without compensation or rights of ownership or royalties. 

Facility Code of Conduct

PLEASE remember we are guests at Riverside Baptist Church. Anyone using their facility must adhere to the following guidelines:
  • PATH members attending classes must park on the east side of the parking lot.  Your car must be parked in the 3rd or 4th rows of the east side of the parking lot ONLY. 
  • Children are not permitted to run in the hallways or roam inside/outside of the church and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Please make sure no one is sitting or climbing on tables or counters.
  • Please keep bathrooms clean. 
  • While waiting in the parent room, children and adults should keep noise down so that it does not distract surrounding classes. 
  • Please pick up after yourself after snacking or lunch time. We do not have a clean - up crew and need to leave the building the way we found it so that we can continue the use of this facility. 
  • Riverside has an active Preschool that functions throughout the week and an active church office. If you are using the facility during business hours, please be respectful. Children should not be yelling inside or outside the building. 
  • PATH is fortunate to have a facility that will meet the needs of our families. With that being said we need everyone to be respectful of these guidelines to ensure the continued use by PATH. 

Payment Instructions

After you  have completed your family information in order TO COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION, please click Continue and on the SIGN IN and PAY NOW button to pay the membership dues. Remember you can use a debit card or your own credit card through PayPal.

The registration coordinator has been notified that you requested membership. You will be able to have member access once your request AND dues are complete. You will be notified via email when you receive member status.  

Payment Options